Sober living

Alternatives to Alcoholics Anonymous AA: Including both Quitting and Moderating Drinking

He was battling late-stage prostate cancer, and his thick white hair was cropped short in preparation for chemotherapy. Sinclair has researched alcohol’s effects on the brain since his days as an undergraduate at the University of Cincinnati, where he experimented with rats that had been given alcohol for an extended period. Sinclair expected that after several weeks without booze, the rats would lose their desire for it. Instead, when he gave them alcohol again, they went on week-long benders, drinking far more than they ever had before—more, he says, than any rat had ever been shown to drink. People with alcohol problems also suffer from higher-than-normal rates of mental-health issues, and research has shown that treating depression and anxiety with medication can reduce drinking. If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, it’s important to find the right program.

  • Many recovering alcoholics are overwhelmed by how much free time they have.
  • He is passionate about therapeutic communities and the fellowship they foster between patients.
  • I don’t have a drinking problem, and he said he couldn’t offer medication for an “experiment.” So that left the Internet, which was easy enough.
  • Join a support group, and as you get more experience, look for ways to help others.

I have days where I wish I could drink and forget about what is happening in my life. I have days where I want to feel “normal.” Sometimes I even consider what would happen if I did allow myself to drink. However, I can usually snap out of this mindset pretty quickly when I think back to the way my life was when I was drinking. Towards the end of my drinking career, my life was headed in a quick downward spiral. I had damaged many of the closest relationships in my life.

How to Stay Sober Without AA: 8 Effective Tips

Our treatments are tailored to serve each person’s unique needs. We support many treatment goals, including both abstinence and moderation. Their program teaches skills that can help you stay motivated in your sobriety and cope with cravings. Its foundation is based in science, rather than spirituality. Many people have found success with SMART’s alternatives to AA meetings. AA If you like the accountability and community of regular meetings, SMART Recovery may be a good option for you.

get sober without aa

To summarize, there are multiple ways to stop drinking without attending AA. You can enlist in different types of support groups, both offline and online, that will help you reach your sober goals. There are many safe medications get sober without aa available to help reduce cravings, many of which have a better success rate than AA. Being happy with a sober life means replacing your unhealthy drug or alcohol addiction with meaningful, fulfilling activities.

Stay Connected

By definition, “sobriety” means not using a certain substance and committing to stop using it. Sobriety can also, however, define the process of recovery and developing long-term coping tools. It’s no secret that getting sober after having an alcohol abuse problem takes a lot of work. There are many different methods out there to encourage individuals to get and stay sober, but it isn’t as easy as it may look. In 1934, just after Prohibition’s repeal, a failed stockbroker named Bill Wilson staggered into a Manhattan hospital.

  • I get to brainstorm and strategize with tons of different personalities.
  • Try a few different treatments and stick with what works for you.
  • Recovery is about much more than living a drug or alcohol-free life.
  • 100% virtual care for addiction, from the privacy of home.
  • Drug and alcohol abuse is often caused by problems in personal relationships.

Marty Mann joined prominent Americans including Susan Anthony, the grandniece of Susan B. Anthony; Jan Clayton, the mom from Lassie; and decorated military officers in testifying before Congress. John D. Rockefeller Jr., a lifelong teetotaler, was an early booster of the group. Most of the studies that measured abstinence found AA was significantly better than other interventions or no intervention. A Stanford researcher and two collaborators conducted an extensive review of Alcoholics Anonymous studies and found that the fellowship helps more people achieve sobriety than therapy does. When you walk through the doors of an AA meeting, the warm welcome everyone receives is because of this common bond.

The Power of Supportive Relationships and Social Networks in Alcohol Recovery

It espouses a four-point program based on abstinence, the ultimate goal of which is to help followers to lead more balanced lives. SMART Recovery is all about empowerment; it diverges from AA on its first step—that “powerless over alcohol” thing—and makes use of techniques from motivational interviewing and cognitive behavioral therapy. Secularity and non-confrontation are central to its ethos, and the organization says it’s perfectly acceptable to use SMART alongside other sobriety aids, even including 12-Step societies. Suboxone (buprenorphine/naloxone) is indicated for the treatment of opioid dependence in adults.

get sober without aa